Time Management Tips for Students

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Any student can tell you that when it comes to managing their time, things start to get tricky. After all, there’s just so much that they need to do between studying and doing homework and working at a job or doing extracurricular activities. Figuring out how to manage time for student is hard. With the right tips and tricks, however, and the right time management tips for students, it can definitely be possible to get a better start.

Knowing the methods that other students have used to get ahead and make sure that they’re ready for anything is going to make study time management even more comfortable for you.

All it’s going to take is a little bit of concentration and dedication to the right things to learn how to manage time for students. If you put even a few of these tips into practice, hopefully, you’ll start seeing some significant results when it comes to your performance at everything you do. Time management for students can make a difference in your life now and throughout your future as well. We’ll look at time management for high school students and time management skills for college students as well.

If you’re looking for more study tips, check out our 29 tips on what to eat before a test here or our 25 study tips on how to ace a test.

How to Manage Your Homework Time Better

How to Manage Your Homework Time Better

How to Manage Your Homework Time Better

When it comes to homework, you’re never really going to get away from it, which is why you need to know how to learn time management. The entire time you’re in school you’re going to have to do homework and even when you get out of school, there will be things to do with your job. Many people find they have at least a few tasks to perform for work when they’re actually home. By using these time management tips for students, you should be able to get those tasks done more quickly and more efficiently.

1. Put away your electronics

Electronics tend to be a massive distraction for all of us, and that’s even more of a problem when it comes to trying to get homework done. It can be way too easy to succumb to the desire to check your social media or to get too involved in games and other tasks. That’s why this is one of the most effective time management skills for students.

2. Block off time to work on homework

Set up a specific time during the day that you’re going to work on homework. Make sure that you don’t schedule anything else for that time and also that you actually sit down and start working on your homework during that time.

3. Create a dedicated space for studying

When you have an area that’s only intended for studying, it definitely makes it easier for you to do. Clear out all the things that don’t help you study or that you don’t need and then make sure that every time you sit down in that space you’re studying so, you get in the habit.

4. Take breaks to reset

Taking breaks is always a good idea to make sure that you’re putting down the books and moving around every hour at the most. It helps you reset and recharge, which will actually make it easier for you to get your studying done.

5. Turn off notifications on your devices

Too often we are very distracted by the little sound that our devices make when we get a new message or a new like or a friend posts an update. When you turn off those notifications, you’re not going to get distracted or feel like you absolutely have to check what’s going on.

6. Start with the hardest task first

The hardest job is going to be the one that you really don’t want to do, and it’s going to be the one that makes it the hardest actually to get your studying done. If you tackle that one first and get it out of the way, everything else is going to feel super simple, which is good time management.

7. Finish anything that can be done immediately

If you have a task that’s going to take you very little time to get it done then just get it done. If it takes five minutes or less, you should knock it out, cross it off your list and immediately jump to the next item. You’ll feel better for having something crossed off too.

8. Ask for help early on

If you’re struggling it’s always better to ask for help right away. That’s how you’re going to make sure you’re doing things right, and it’s going to make the studying you are doing a whole lot more efficient and effective since you’re taking charge the way you should.

How to Manage Your Time Better When Taking Tests or Exams

How to Manage Your Time Better When Taking Tests or Exams

How to Manage Your Time Better When Taking Tests or Exams

When it comes to taking exams, we all know how difficult it can be. No one likes to take those big tests, and we are always stressed out. But if you know time management strategies for students you’re definitely going to be off to a better start. You’re going to be prepared when you walk in, and you’re going to know precisely what you should be doing when you start taking the test too.

9. Divide your time by the number of questions

First thing, look at how many questions there are on the test. Most teachers number their tests, so it’s easier for them to grade later or to correspond with the answer sheet so take a look and then divide the amount of time you have by the number of questions. That’s how long you should strive to spend on each one.

10. Start with questions that you already know

Skim over the questions quickly and read what they’re asking you. Do you know any of them right off the bat without even looking at the answers? If you do, then quickly fill in those answers right away. That leaves you a little more time for the rest of the questions, plus you have some easy points.

11. Focus on one question at a time

When you get to a question, make sure you’re focusing entirely on that question. If you’re worried about the last question or the next one you’re not going to be focused, and it’s going to take you longer to answer the question than it should. By taking the time to focus, you get through quicker.

12. Look at the point value

Pay attention to the point values on your questions. Questions that are worth the most points are the ones that you want to focus on first. After all, you want to make sure that you’re getting as many points as possible on that next test or quiz, right?

13. Take time to relax and breathe

Don’t get yourself all stressed out because getting stressed out is only going to make you feel like you’re even further behind. You’ll feel like you can’t succeed and that’s going to slow you down instead of keeping you on task.

14. Know what to expect before you walk in

Make sure you’re paying attention to what the test is going to cover as well as things like the format and how long you’re going to have. You should know as much as possible before you walk in that room so you can feel calm and prepared for anything you need to do.

15. Create an outline for essays or long answer questions

When you come across long answer questions, or essay questions make sure you take the time to sketch out an outline before you jump in. Don’t take too much time on this, but having a plan for what to write makes it a whole lot easier to do so.

How to Balance Extracurricular Activities with Schoolwork

How to Balance Extracurricular Activities with Schoolwork

How to Balance Extracurricular Activities with Schoolwork

We all want to be involved, right? And we want to spend time on activities that we really like and enjoy. We want to make sure that we’re getting involved and having fun with friends. But it’s important to balance out the extracurricular activities that you’re engaged in with the other things that you need to do, like your schoolwork. Knowing how to balance them is going to help you along the way. It’s going to be one of your best ways to manage time as well.

16. Be realistic about how much time the extracurricular will require

When you’re thinking about starting any kind of activity make sure you’re being realistic about what you’re going to need to do with that activity. The student council might only meet once a week and during the school day, but how much are you going to need to do outside of school to support its activities?

17. Don’t commit to too many things

It can be really tempting to get involved in several different activities because they all seem exciting and fun. But make sure you’re not getting too involved and overcommitting yourself. You could end up struggling to make it to all the activities, and that’s without even thinking about the schoolwork you have to do.

18. Be selective about what you choose to participate in

In the realm of not overcommitting, it’s essential that you’re particular about your activities. Make sure that you’re looking at all the different aspects of the activity and all the various activities that you might find interesting. Then start whittling down which ones are the most important to you.

19. Schedule study time around practices/meets/events

Create a schedule of all the different commitments that you have related to the activity, including any practices, meets, or preparation times. Then schedule the times that you’re going to study around those, so you know exactly when you’re going to have time to get it done.

20. Talk to coaches/leaders about needs

Talk to your coach or the leader of the organization about your needs and the things that you’re going to have to do in order to meet all of your commitments related to school and the activity (as well as any other activities you might have). Be realistic and open with them right from the start so you can make a plan together to practice time management for students.

21. Make changes as needed

You may need to be flexible about things that you’re doing, and there may need to be changes along the way. Be open to making those changes and doing what needs to be done in order to be more successful with everything you’ve committed to.

22. Try to schedule activities together

If at all possible, try to schedule your activities, so they take place concurrently. If you can have a debate club meeting immediately before your soccer practice, it’s going to be better for your overall schedule than having to go back and forth several times during the day or the week. This definitely gives you better study time as well.

How to Build Better Time Management Skills as a Student

How to Build Better Time Management Skills as a Student

How to Build Better Time Management Skills as a Student

If you’re a student, you know how important it really is to understand how to use time wisely for students. It feels like you’re always being pulled in a million different directions, and you feel like you can never get caught up. By being able to focus on your study time management and learning these skills, you’re definitely going to be better prepared, and you’re going to be able to get the things done that you want to. It’s essential to know how to have good time management in high school.

23. Be realistic about what you can accomplish

Everyone creates to-do lists, and we tend to be idealistic about what’s going to get done in the course of a day. But be realistic about what you can actually do and then get out there and start working on it. You’re not going to do everything in a single day, but you can definitely make a start.

24. Take a look back at the week before to see what you were able to do

Look at what you accomplished in the last week. Reflecting is going to show you what you had planned to do and what you actually accomplished. That gives you a good baseline for how you’re going to do in the coming weeks as well and lets you plan more realistically.

25. Set up study groups

This is especially important if you’re struggling with any of the areas of your schooling. If you need help, it’s good to get that help right away, and with study groups, you’re going to have people who are really good in some areas and need help in others. These groups give you dedicated study time as well and form one of the best time management tips for students.

26. Know your best study times

When are you the most alert and most able to absorb information? These are the times that you should be studying and they’re definitely going to give you the best results. Pay attention to what time of day you seem to do your best studying and then try to plan your schedule so that you can study again during those times. It will help you with effective time management.

27. Use your commute time as a time to study

If you’re commuting by bus or if someone is driving you to and from practices or school or anywhere else that’s a great time to be studying. Use the time wisely instead of letting yourself fall into the habit of just listening to music or staring out the window. You could be making the most of that time.

28. Figure out where you waste the most time

Look back over the course of a week at the things that you’re doing. Focus on all of the different activities and think about where you’re wasting the most time. Are you wasting a lot of time on social media? Or maybe you’re spending a lot of time looking for items that you need. Look for ways to eliminate those time wasters (or at least reduce them).

29. Create a regular routine

If you create a habit, it’s going to make it a whole lot easier for you actually to get things done. When your mind knows that this is the time to study, you’re going to find yourself walking to your study space without even thinking about it. This makes it easier to get into the right mode to get things done.

How to Manage Time Well in College

How to Manage Time Well in College

How to Manage Time Well in College

When you get into college, it can actually get even harder for you to accomplish the things that you’re supposed to be doing. That’s why how to manage your time in college is even more critical. Time management strategies for college students definitely look at balance and planning. There are far more things that seem to take up your time, and there are a number of different ways that you can get distracted with work, school, friends, and other activities. But in some ways, it’s even more important to stay focused when you’re in college than when you’re in high school. So what are you going to do to make sure that you manage your time well? Take a look at these college time management tips.

30. Look at the time you have available after counting for classes and work

Create a schedule of your classes as well as your work and then look at any time you have left. These are the areas where you need to schedule in your study time as well as the time that you’re going to do other things that you enjoy.

31. Mark down any assignments/tests you know about from the start

Time management in college is made easier with this one. When you go to that very first class, some of your teachers and professors may let you know about assignment schedules and test schedules. Write those down in your calendar or planner right away, so you’re not surprised by the things that you need to get done. These are things you can plan for and that you can study for ahead of time, and they are essential for time management for college students.

32. Schedule your classes effectively

When it comes to scheduling your classes, look for ways to make the most of your time. Try to schedule classes back-to-back, so you don’t have a lot of dead time where you’re trying to figure out what to do, or you’re trying to cram in a little studying in an hour between classes. Getting all the classes out of the way right away is going to leave you larger blocks of time to get things done, which is a critical aspect for time management tips for college students.

33. Be prepared before heading to class every day

Before you walk into class each day you should make sure that you’re ready for it. Have the homework done. Have the reading done and have everything you’re going to need to take notes and do any additional assignments. All of these things will make sure that you’re not wasting time on any other activities, and you are doing your time management activities for college students.

How Parents Can Help Their Student’s Manage Time Better

How Parents Can Help Their Student’s Manage Time Better

How Parents Can Help Their Student’s Manage Time Better

When it comes down to it, there are definitely things that parents could be doing to help their children manage time better. These things can start when your children are younger, and they definitely continue for as long as possible. Make sure you’re paying attention to what they’re doing and that you’re showing them the best ways that they can continue to improve their lives and stay on top of things all the way.

34. Don’t overschedule/overcommit them

When it’s up to you to schedule things for your child, make sure you’re not overscheduling or overcommitting them. It can be easy to say that your student will do something for someone else without checking into what their schedule already looks like. It’s also easy to let them fill their calendar with too many things, but help them keep their eyes open on what they really take.

35. Get them help for homework problems

If your student is having trouble with their homework or is struggling with some aspect of their schooling, make sure that you’re getting them the help that they need. Do it as quickly as possible too since getting that help is going to be a requirement for them to get ahead.

36. Keep track of assignments and obligations (to get them started)

When they’re getting started in school, and they’re younger, you can keep track of their tasks and commitments but make sure you’re showing them those schedules and getting them started keeping their own. You want them to be responsible for their own schedule as early as possible.

37. Offer rewards for completing tasks

Rewards are a great motivator for anyone, and we all want to feel like we’re doing something great. If you can offer rewards for accomplishing tasks, it’s definitely going to feel great for your student, and it’s going to motivate them to keep doing even more and to achieve even more of the things they need to do.

38. Make studying fun

There are going to be things that your student likes better than others, and that’s great. See if you can work some of those fun subjects into the mix more frequently or try to find fun ways for them to study the areas that they don’t like as much. If it’s fun, they’re more likely to just get into it rather than spending a lot of time trying to get out of it. It will definitely help on your list of time management strategies for students.

General Time Management Tricks for Students

General Time Management Tricks for Students

General Time Management Tricks for Students

When it comes to getting things done sometimes, you just need to have the basics down, so we’re going to take a closer look at some of the general tips and tricks that are definitely going to help you out when it comes to planning what you need to do and how you need to do it. Time management doesn’t have to be as difficult as you might think if you just have some of the basic skills down you’re going to do just fine.

39. Make a schedule

The first thing to do is make a schedule of the things that you need to do and when they need to be done by. Make sure that you update your schedule whenever you get new projects or new tasks that need to be completed. That’s how you’re going to have the best possible results, and it’s how you’ll be able to make sure that everything is done on time.

40. Pay attention to how you spend your time

Look at the ways that you’re spending your time and what you’re actually doing. Are you studying when you should be or as much as you should be? Are you completing tasks in the right amount of time? Are you spending a lot of time on other things you don’t need to be doing right now?

41. Make a plan for how to approach the task

When you have a plan for how you’re going to get the larger tasks done you’re going to have a much better chance of actually getting them done. You’ll be able to look at them in a more systematic way, and you’ll have no problem actually working your way through until the project is complete.

42. Don’t put tasks off until they’re due

When you look at our schedule make sure you’re being realistic about how long things are going to take and that you aren’t putting them off until they’re actually due. When you’re trying to get things done at the last minute, it seems like all of your time management skills will go out the window.

43. Finish one task at a time

Work on one task until it’s complete before you move on to the next one. You’re going to have an easier time staying in the zone and completely committed to a single task rather than switching back and forth between several different tasks and trying to get multiple things done all at once.

44. List the things that have to be done

44. List the things that have to be done

Create a to-do list. This one probably seems obvious, and it’s probably something that you’ve done a million times, but you’re definitely going to want to take it on again. Create a list of the things that need to be done so you can stay on top of all of them and you don’t have to worry about forgetting anything.

45. Keep track of deadlines

Make sure you mark down the deadlines for any of the tasks you need to complete and then be careful about actually meeting those deadlines. If you can keep them in your mind at all times, you’re going to be off to a better start, and you’ll likely be able to complete the things on time.

46. Be organized

Keep all of your study materials where you can find them easily and make sure that all of your equipment is stored neatly. The neater and more organized, you are the better the chance that you’re actually going to be able to start studying the moment you sit down rather than having to wait to find everything you need first. Organization and time management for students go hand in hand.

47. Get plenty of exercise

Getting exercise may not seem like it’s related to time management, but it can actually help you to focus. It’s a way that you can get more motivation and energy and that you’re definitely going to feel a whole lot better about what you’re doing as far as tasks go.

48. Get plenty of sleep

Getting enough sleep is another important one because enough sleep is going to help you feel focused and ready to do what needs to be done. If you’re tired, you’re definitely not going to be able to accomplish the tasks that you need to, and you’re going to struggle to get through your study sessions and more. This is going to be one of the most important time management skills for students.

49. Schedule as far in advance as possible

If you know that something is going to be due in 6 months, write it down. If you don’t know until a week before write it down. As early as you possibly can make sure that you’re creating a schedule and putting everything down on paper. It helps you stay organized and informed, so nothing slips through the cracks.

50. Prioritize tasks that need to be done

When you take out that to-do list make sure you’re marking the things that you need to get done first and which things can be put off until later. Prioritize what needs to be accomplished so you can make sure that you’re getting it done when it needs to be rather than forgetting about it until the last minute.

51. Write your goals for this session before you start

Before you start studying, make sure you sit down and write out what you hope to accomplish by the end of the session. Maybe it’s just completing a specific task, or maybe it’s several different tasks or learning something specific. Whatever it is, put it in writing and focus on it throughout the session.

Hopefully, these 51 time management resources are going to make it easier for you to study and to manage your time in the most appropriate ways. If you know time management for high school students and how to manage time in college to keep yourself motivated and to keep track of time better you’re definitely going to be better prepared for anything that you’ll need to do throughout your high school years, college years and beyond. Make sure you’re scheduling as far out in advance as you possibly can and that you’re being realistic about what kind of time commitment each of your responsibilities are going to take and use time wisely.

Did you find this helpful? Be sure to check out our other student study guides, like the one with 29 tips on brain foods to eat before and during your tests or the one we wrote on how to study for exams.

Picture of Professor Conquer
Professor Conquer

Professor Conquer started Conquer Your Exam in 2018 to help students feel more confident and better prepared for their tough tests. Prof excelled in high school, graduating top of his class and receiving admissions into several Ivy League and top 15 schools. He has helped many students through the years tutoring and mentoring K-12, consulting seniors through the college admissions process, and writing extensive how-to guides for school.

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